Monday, November 22, 2010

Rent instead of buying it

With my wedding around the corner I have started getting a little annoying because “wedding stuff” is all I want to talk about. Sorry my friends, but I will talk about this subject in my blog too, but just until January, and just in some of my posts. I hope you don’t mind because it will help your pocket whenever you are invited to a wedding. Today the saving tip is for female guests. Before going to the mall, Macy’s, Nordstrom, David’s Bridal, and spent hundreds of dollars, think if the price worth the number of times you will wear it. If it will happen just once, rent it. Believe me, there are big chances of paying less renting a wonderful dress than buying a new one. Take a look in the following website: It is a great option if you want pay a few dollars for a dress but look like a million dollars girl ; )